The dream was to provide shelter for the most vulnerable children in Kitwe.
The plan was to get a school up and running, providing education for the orphans and for fee paying students too.
The profits would pay teachers salaries and fund the most important aspect , the dormitories, providing shelter and security for up to 200 young children. But outside help was greatly needed too!
We are a non-registered Charitable Trust.
We are a growing group of friends and supporters
who raise money
to send to Zambia
to assist the building project.
We also send book and educational materials .
Whatsapp 9th Jan 2018 8.27pm from Zambia
‘We had our staff meeting today in readiness for opening the school on Monday next. Unbelievable…it was great! The teaching team looks very promising. Thank you so much for your prayers. On Friday we’re meeting the children. More prayers please. Have a good night, bye…’
This was my last message from Judy. Less than 12 hours later, she collapsed suddenly and died. Instead of the orphanage school’s grand opening, her funeral was held. Mourners included the Vice President of Zambia. I felt very much a part of the events to mark her death, thanks to the wonders of technology. A video of the wake, and many photos helped me mourn my Zambian ‘sister.’
Judy missed the opening of her dream by just 4 days.
This dream was to build an orphanage (a school and accommodation) for 100 orphans. Zambia is roughly the size of Texas with a similar population. It has 1 million orphans, making it the highest per capita orphan rate in the world. Astonishing and appalling!
8 years ago I visited Kitwe as part of a school exchange programme and saw this problem for myself. I was approached by homeless, helpless children living on the streets, who saw hope in the face of a European visitor. Those experiences stayed with me.
My host was Judy Malama, a local teacher and community leader. We became close friends and called each other ‘sister.’ Judy had been welcoming orphaned students into her home and her dearest wish was to provide for such children on a much larger scale. I vowed to help this dream become reality!
Back in Preston, over the years we have raised money to purchase land, make bricks, lay foundations and finally in 2018, build the school rooms. At St Wilfrid’s our first quiz night was back in May 2013 . There is a fabulous Facebook support group , many of whom sponsored a child by purchasing their new school uniform. We hope to hold a fundraising Charity Ball later this year and one member is completing a triathlon to raise money.
On Monday 21 January, the doors opened and the scene resembled one of a first day at school anywhere in the world. Judy’s daughter, Chikwanda, herself a teacher (seen in yellow) took over in welcoming the new arrivals. 84 orphans whose ages ranged from 4 to 11 years old, began their first ever education.
God does indeed have mysterious plans! But that’s exactly how her family and friends saw it. Their trust in God’s plan is humbling, and knowing that Judy was enjoying the company of her heavenly Father,
Judy’s legacy is phenomenal. It has been the drive and determination and the faith of one woman that is now changing young lives.
With new followers and a renewed enthusiasm to help, we can make such a difference to the lives of these young people.
‘What an impact she has had for the Kingdom! We rejoice for her, she has finished the race and entered into the joys of heaven.’ Patrick, Judy’s brother in Law
‘We know and trust that God will provide in his own unique way.’
Chikwanda, her daughter.